
Multiple Southside Mexican style restaurants including a McDonald's and a liquor store were robbed by armed suspects.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

January 5, 2017

Milwaukee, WI - On Wednesday, Milwaukee police arrested an armed robber after he came back to pick up his cell phone that he dropped on the street after a shooting inside the A-1 Liquor Store at the 9200 block of W. Oklahoma Ave. on January 3rd. The 62-year-old owner of the store says, that the suspect under arrest looks to like the armed suspect that robbed the same store a month ago. In that incident, the suspect fled with a cash box.
The suspect fired one gunshot inside the store. Police say, the suspect called the found and when he showed to recover it, he was taken into custody. A handgun was recovered from his vehicle. The suspect might be connected to other local armed robberies.
La Taqueria Los Gallos, 1800 S. 13th Street reported on Wednesday that an armed robber walked into the restaurant and ordered food, shortly after he took a handgun out and robbed the place after mishandling a female worker. Francisco Hernández, the owner of La Taqueria Los Gallos says, the armed robber took about $300 and pointed his gun at the head of a customer before leaving. Hernández is now offering $5,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the armed robber, according to the Taqueria Los Gallos Facebook account.  The armed robber was caught by surveillance camera.
The McDonald's restaurant at the 2600 block of W. Morgan was reported robbed at the end of December. The armed robber fled with an undetermined amount of cash.
El Cabrito restaurant the 1100 block of S. 11th Street in Milwaukee's Southside was also robbed on December 27, 2016, according to police. The suspect, armed with a gun, walked in through the front door and demanded money from the employees. The employees gave the suspect their money and the suspect then fled from the scene on foot, according to the Milwaukee Police Department.
In both the A-1 Liquor store and LA Taqueria Los Gallos , the suspect was Afro-American and at the Cabritos restaurant, the suspect was described a White. This would be the second armed robbery that the Cabrito restaurant reported an armed robbery in 2016.
In all cases, a surveillance video camera caught the suspects robbing the businesses.
Several armed Afro-American suspects allegedly robbed the Station in the Park at 812 S. Layton Boulevard on December 23rd, 2016. They fled with cash.
On December 15, 2016, an armed Hispanic male suspect enter the Radio Shack at 1844 S. 15th Street and demanded cash from several employees and then fled. No one was reported hurt.
The Jalapeño restaurant at 2106 W. National Ave. was robbed by several male suspects with a sawed-off weapon on December 13, 2016. The suspects fled with cash an a purse.

• Taqueria Los Gallos video https://youtu.be/_3BVhuqwBOs

• El Cabrito video https://youtu.be/iE-oJLcuNb4

• Radio Shack video https://youtu.be/k2kTULL5qTI

• El Jalapeño video https://youtu.be/N-jN9d6cg9o

• Station in the Park https://youtu.be/Ud3JvT4gveI

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