
29 suspects arrested and charged during an unrest at the Sherman Park neighborhood shortly after Sylville Smith was fatally gun down by Milwaukee Police Officer Dominique Heaggan were all from Milwaukee and not from Chicago as Milwaukee Police Chief Flynn and Mayor Barrett first reported, according to the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

August 25, 2016

Milwaukee, WI - On Tuesday, the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) confirmed that all the 29 suspects arrested and charged during the Sherman Park neighborhood unrest after the August 13 homicide of Sylville Smith, 23, who was fatally killed by Milwaukee Police Officer Dominique Heaggan, 24, were all from the city of Milwaukee. The MCSO says, the suspects were all from Milwaukee contradicting what Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn and Mayor Tom Barrett stated during a press conference that some of the agitators who started the unrest and rioting at the Sherman Park neighborhood were outsiders, especially from Chicago.
The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office released the following statement, the "Riot starters in Sherman Park Ch12 news coverage from Monday, August 15: of Chief Flynn/Mayor Barrett news conference quotes Chief Flynn saying: "We had some folks from Chicago come to town – the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chicago showed up and actually they're the ones who started causing problems."
Mayor Barrett said the Sherman Park residents "want their neighborhood back and they want the outsiders who are coming in to their neighborhood to leave.  Victims of outside agitators. They're deliberately trying to damage a great neighborhood and a great city.  Residents don't deserve this and we won't tolerate it."
Since the local media didn't do a Fact Check, you can see the booking photos, charges and city of residence of the 29 arrested during the weekend violence here (they are all from one city... Milwaukee)."
Chief Flynn and Mayor Barrett have not been able to prove that some of the agitators who caused the unrest were from Chicago and no comments have been released by either Chief Flynn or Mayor Barrett.

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