
Milwaukee residents joined multiple cities around the nation to protest the racism and hate movement sparked by President elect Trump.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

November 10, 2016

Milwaukee, WI - On Thursday, thousands of residents gathered at the Red Arrow Park in downtown Milwaukee to show a solidarity movement against President elect Donald J. Trump (R) racist and hate movement in the U.S. The march was sponsored by Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES) and other groups. The Trump protesters chanted "F_ck Trump, We Want a President Not A Racist, Si Se Puede" among other chants.
It was a peaceful march and protest until one of Trump's supporters and his family instigated a brief altercation in front of a WISN TV news crew. It seemed that the skin head had informed media outlets that he would be at the planned Trump protest. The skin head left afterwards and no arrests were made.
On early Wednesday, it was announced that Trump had won the election by 279 electoral votes and Hillary Clinton (D) received 228 votes, but Clinton got the popular vote by more than 200K.
The electoral vote process is antiquated and very discriminatory, which should be abolished or legally challenge in court. Local city, county, state and federal elections determine candidates by popular vote, even in presidential primary elections, except the November presidential race.
Trump's election has ignited disparity, fear and encouraged White racist students to target and racially slur Latino students at public and private schools, according to reports on social media. Several incidents were reported in Wisconsin. In one incident, White racist students taunted Marquette University Latino students and another at a local school.

Milwaukee march and protest against Trump's election http://goo.gl/Io9F9i

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