Pat Scott Dykas Died At A Milwaukee Southside Speedway Gas Station, Circumstances Unclear

Dykas had been released from the Milwaukee County House of Corrections hours earlier before his death at a local Southside Speedway gas station in Milwaukee.By H. Nelson GoodsonHispanic News Network U.S.A.December 31, 2016Milwaukee, WI - On Friday, Pat Scott Dykas, 27, apparently died at a local Sou…
Social Security Employee Pleads Guilty

From the Times of San Diego:A Social Security Administration employee who accepted payments and had the authority to waive money owed to the government by overpaid beneficiaries pleaded guilty Thursday to stealing money orders and depositing them into his own checking account. Josue Edgardo Cas…
Mexico's PEMEX 20% Gasoline Price Increase Ignites National Transport Blockade A Day After New Year's Day

Chihuahua joins the National Transport blockade to protest a federal 20% increase of PEMEX gasoline prices in Mexico.By H. Nelson GoodsonHispanic News Network U.S.A.December 30, 2016Chihuahua, Mexico - All roads, highways and train travel routes in Chihuahua, Mexico will be blocked on Monday, Januar…
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Florida's death penalty system will face renewed stress in 2017

Florida's death chamberTALLAHASSEE — Florida's death penalty system, under sustained legal assault for the past year, faces renewed pressure in 2017 that will strain courts, victims and taxpayers in ways sure to rekindle a debate over capital punishment.A series of federal and state court rulings wi…
Man Arrested For Bringing Pistol Into Social Security Office

A man was arrested yesterday after bringing a pistol into the Social Security field office in Mobile, AL.…
Pakistan to hang 'butcher of Swat' Muslim Khan

Muslim Khan was the face of the Swat Taliban for many months.A military court in Pakistan has sentenced a top Pakistani Taliban leader from the Swat region to death.Muslim Khan, a former spokesman for the militants, was convicted of killing 31 people, including civilians and security personnel, the …
Jordan: Five ISIS militants, four drug traffickers sentenced to death

December 28, 2016: A Jordanian court sentenced five members of an ISIL cell to death by hanging for acts of terrorism. The state security court in Amman also handed jail terms of between three and 15 years to another 16 Jordanians in the same case. They were found guilty of deadly "acts of terrorism…
Nigeria: Edo State Executes Three Inmates

December 23, 2016: Edo State government executed three death row inmates who were sentenced to death by military tribunals under the Robbery and Firearms (Special Provisions) Decree 1971 as amended. The state had announced its intention to execute three death row prisoners at Oko Prisons in Benin Ci…
Pakistan: Death Sentence Revoked One Day Ahead of Execution

December 26, 2016: Ghulam Abbas Suhani had to be hanged on December 27 but the execution was stopped today, just one day ahead of the due date, as the elders of the area brought both the parties to the table and helped them settle to a reconciliation, reported Daily Dunya. According to details, Sale…
Washington Governor Jay Inslee grants reprieve to child killer on death row

Washington Governor Jay InsleeBELLINGHAM - Gov. Jay Inslee granted a reprieve Thursday to a Bellingham man sentenced to death for the rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl.A Whatcom County jury sentenced Clark Richard Elmore to death in 1996, for the killing of his girlfriend’s teenage daughter. Elm…
Nebraska: Hearing on controversial lethal injection protocol proposal

Nebraska's death chamberA state hearing on a controversial lethal injection protocol proposal will begin at 9 a.m. Friday at the State Office Building in Lincoln. Omaha Sen. Ernie Chambers, who opposes the death penalty, and says the proposed protocol raises constitutional questions, will be at the …
Video Shows Several Turkish Soldiers Burned Alive By ISIS

ISIS terrorists failed to cover faces as they killed several Turkish soldiers by burning them alive.By H. Nelson GoodsonHispanic News Network U.S.A.December 30, 2016An Islamic State video has surfaced showing several Turkish soldiers in a cage who are chained by the neck and body with flammable liqu…
The Stolen Supreme Court Seat

Soon after his inauguration next month, President-elect Donald Trump will nominate someone to the Supreme Court, which has been hamstrung by a vacancy since the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February. There will be public debates about the nominee’s credentials, past record, judicial philosophy…
Are ALJs Unconstitutional?

A panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit has held in Bandimere v. SEC that Administrative Law Judges are unconstitutional because they are not appointed by the President. The Social Security Administration employs most federal ALJs. This decision may receive en banc re…
Why Medicare And Not Social Security?

From 42 U.S.C. § 1395ff(d)(1)(A), having to do with Medicare appeals: Except as provided in subparagraph (B), an administrative law judge shall conduct and conclude a hearing on a decision of a qualified independent contractor under subsection (c) of this section and render a decision on suc…
Iran: Public Flogging Sentence Carried Out, Brothers Amputated for Theft

Iran: Medieval and barbaric punishmentsNCRI - According to eyewitnesses, on December 28th, flogging punishment of a young man charged with theft, and whose identity is unrevealed, has been carried out in public in the city of Iranshahr – South Eastern Iran.It is worth noting that the United Nations …
Youths among dead as Philippine gunmen kill seven in 'drugs den'

"Since Duterte entered office in June, more than 5,000 people havebeen killed in his war on drugs, some 2,000 at the hands of thepolice and a further 3,000 by vigilante groups."MANILA (Reuters) - Three minors were among seven people shot dead by suspected vigilantes in the Philippines at a house sto…
Milwaukee White Cops Strike Child In The Mouth And Take Weapon From Revolutionary Black Panther Party

Members of the Revolutionary Black Panther Party get confronted by White cops who confiscated a weapon while holding an outdoor food pantry event at N. 27th Street and W. Fond du Lac Ave.By H. Nelson GoodsonHispanic News Network U.S.A.December 28, 2016Milwaukee, WI - On Wednesday, multiple Milwaukee…